Teach Me

I believe all of us should be lifelong learners. One of the ways we do that is by engaging in the cycles of planning, implementing, making mistakes, discovering problems, reviewing, revising our plans and starting anew.

The Utopian Slope or Flaw teaching below helps map out what this cycle looks like and how we have a crucial decision point after plans don’t go as we envisioned. We can choose to revision & revise or to go down into despair.  I believe God meets us even when we despair and lifts us up and out when we are ready to engage with Him and this process again. I hope to be able to remember this and let it shape my expectations and give grace when on the down side of good intentions.


Drawing created and taught by my father Joe Steinke.

The Utopian Flaw: How we become lifelong learners click for his full Prezi slideshow.

“The Utopian Flaw is built into the nature of growth unto maturity, offering us all a learning opportunity in an inevitable plateau season of unmet expectations. How we manage these moments is critical to the people we are leading as good shepherds of one another’s journeys. The Gospel gives us a model by which Jesus embraces the Utopian Flaw, and resurrects a hopeful expectation to a kingdom vision for our future.
Healthy Review Process
The apostolic vision of the Church requires us to rehearse this healthy review process in every season, in every generation, until we all attain the maturity that is in Christ Jesus. The outcome will be us growing up into the expectations of Kingdom sons and daughters, living into the mission of Jesus to fill the earth with the glory of God in and through the Church. This is how we go from faith to faith and glory to glory, until Jesus returns to fulfill what’s been inaugurated in His New Creation – a new heaven and earth for which we are being prepared to rule and reign with Him as co-heirs of His Kingdom.”

Check out the What I’m Learning category for well, what I’m learning.